This story was very intersting bocouse main character was very famouse person. He was an inventor, an architect and an artist who was famouse throughout the world. One day He made a wing. People can to fly. I want to do.
I went to part time job in restrant. Actully I have a 3.5 hour works. However, another part timer was a sick. So, I have over work for one hour. I have a break 30minite. I ate oyster fly teisyoku I like it .
This time, I read Snow White.Snow white is very famous folk tale all of the world!! I have been to read this book and who mother read the story in my child. I like this story. But, this time I read Snow White story different in Japn.Becous step mother not die and how sit up prince kiss the Snow White. Happy end.So, very different step moter action. However step moter sad like a spell same. "Mirror, mirror , on the wall, who is the fairest of us all?"She asked her usual questin was impression phrase.
once upon a time:むかしむかし prick:(針で)刺す
think to oneself:ひそかに考える following year:翌年 cruel:残酷な jealous:嫉妬深い
vain:虚栄心がつよい(うぬぼれ) would...:よく...したものだ fair:美しい
grow in:...で『次第に...似なる、...を増す』 scream in rage:怒り狂って叫ぶ summon:呼びつける